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Welcome to NAPPA, a steering committee assembled to lead federal PANS and PANDAS legislative efforts. 



WHY Patients and Families living witH PANS and pANDAS NEED YOUR HELP

Today severely ill youth wait indefinitely for appropriate medical intervention due to the lack of awareness and clinical knowledge about PANS and PANDAS amongst health care providers. Ongoing research continues to reveal the extensive, multi-system nature of these illnesses which may involve symptoms beyond the initially apparent behavioral changes such as enthesitis-related arthritis and other co-morbid conditions like postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome. Yet an agonizing 25 years after NIH began researching PANDAS, scientists have difficulty obtaining governmental support for even the most basic studies to develop diagnostic tests and identify more effective treatments. It is imperative that we build upon our improved understanding of the clear link to COVID-19 infection and subsequent immunological, neurological and psychiatric changes in vulnerable individuals. Application of resources to study the biological underpinnings of infection-associated chronic conditions and illnesses (IACCIs), including PANS and PANDAS, is critical to alleviate the suffering of these patients. The time is now to provide more resources and use new technologies to understand immune and inflammatory responses which affect the brain and cause terrifying and debilitating symptoms. 

OUR PartnerS 

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